The European Union Not United

The European Union Not United


This documentary narrates the chronology of the spread of the coronavirus in Europe, showing the absence of a European strategy to confront a virus that respects no borders. The EU has built borders everywhere and has forgotten its union. Different states have had different answers, leaving years of common work behind.

Technical Info

Documentary Film (Investigative)
Length: 18’
Production year: 2020
Original title: The European Union Not United
Written and Directed by: Paula Palacios
Producer: Paula Palacios
Produced by: MORADA FILMS for Aljazeera Arabic
Shooting format: HD colour 16/9
Original Language: Spanish, English, Italian, French
Broadcasting Language: Arabic (Narration & Subtitles)
Locations: Spain, Italy, France, Germany, UK
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #EU #COVIDCrisis #Covid_19 #Covid19News #EUCrisis